Incorporation of maize crop residue maintains soybean yield through the stimulation of nitrogen fixation rather than residue-derived nitrogen in Mollisols
編輯:2022-10-27 14:19:08
?Crop residue amendment to soil is recommended as an effective management practice to return nutrients, especially in the maize-soybean rotation system where large amounts of maize residues are produced. Quantifying the utilisation of maize-residue N by the subsequent soybean crop is essential for optimising the N fertilisation strategy for sustainable production. However, whether and how maize residue amendment alters N acquisition in soybean plants are largely unknown. It was hypothesised that maize residue would supply N and enhance N2 fixation to meet the N requirements of subsequent soybeans. Three treatments, namely: 1) chemical fertiliser (55.2, 35.2 and 22.4 kg ha- 1 of N, P and K, respectively), 2) maize residue (8 t ha- 1), and 3) nonfertiliser were applied in a maize-soybean rotation system in a Mollisol soil. It was demonstrated that soybean seed yield in the maize-residue treatment was the same as that in the chemical fertiliser treatment, with 2.9 vs. 3.2 t ha- 1 in 2014, 2.7 vs. 2.6 t ha- 1 in 2016, and 3.0 vs. 3.1 t ha- 1 in 2018. A follow-up pot experiment using 15N-labelled residue indicated that the residue-derived N accounted for 0.5 % of the total N in soybean seeds and the proportion of symbiotically fixed N reached 82 %. The amount of fixed N during the pod-filling period in the residue treatment was 0.66 g plant-1, which was 49 % and 41 % higher than those in the chemical fertiliser and non-fertiliser treatments, respectively. The stimulation of N2 fixation was associated with an increase in fixed N per nodule and the enrichment of diazotrophs in the rhizosphere of soybean. With maize residue amendment, the increased N2-fixing capability of nodules during the reproductive period, rather than residue-derived N, fulfilled the N demand for maintaining seed yield of soybean. In the maize-soybean rotation system, maize residue amendment would facilitate the N2 fixation to partly substitute for N fertiliser for soybean production in Mollisols.
? ? ? ?如果我們敢想,勇于接受新觀念,樂于同我們的土壤合作而不是濫用它,我們將會看到保護性農業是引導我們走向前所未見的高產農業的有效途徑。這不僅是為了戰爭時期,更是為了戰后的和平年代?(Hugh?Hammond Bennett,?1943)